A Crusade Against Illegal or Unethical Behavior

Illegal or unethical behavior refers to any action or decision that violates the law, standards of ethical conduct, or norms of societal behavior. As shown in the table below, illegal or unethical behavior can take many forms. At Nosres, we do not tolerate any of them. We conduct business ethically and in full compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Type of Illegal or Unethical Behavior Description
Corruption Paying or receiving bribes to influence decisions or gain an advantage.
Fraud Misrepresenting information or manipulating records for personal gain.
Insider Trading Using insider information for personal financial gain in securities trading.
Discrimination and Harassment Treating individuals unfairly or differently based on their race, gender, religion, age, or other personal characteristics.
Tax Evasion Illegally avoiding paying taxes
Intellectual Property Violations Stealing or misusing someone else’s ideas, inventions, or creations.
Environmental Violations Causing harm to the environment, such as polluting the air or water, without proper permits.
Health and safety violations Failing to ensure the health and safety of employees or customers, such as by providing hazardous working conditions
Election Interference or Tampering Tampering with the outcome of an election, or interfering with the democratic process.
Nosres Code of Ethics

The Nosres Code of ethics outlines the ethical principles that govern the way we work and conduct business.

Nosres’ Code of Ethics (PDF)
Nosres Anti-Corruption Policy

Nosres strictly prohibits corruption of all kinds, including bribery, kickbacks, embezzlement, and facilitating payments.

Nosres Anti-Corruption Policy (PDF)
Sustain Nosres Ethics and Compliance

We want to ensure that Nosres, its employees, and other third parties operate ethically and transparently and
prevent harm to the economy and society. Therefore, it is of great importance that we sustain our Ethics and
Compliance policies.

Read and Abide

Read and comply with Nosres and Compliance policies, and applicable laws and regulations to make positive impact.

Speak Up

Feel free to speak up if you have any questions or concerns. Do not be afraid to reveal any unacceptable behavior.

Be Honest

Be honest with yourself and Nosres. You need to cooperate without reservation during an ethical investigation.

Lead by Example

Senior leaders must model ethical and compliant behavior to create a culture that values these principles.

Report a Concern

Employees, officers, directors, and third parties are encouraged to report any suspected corruption to the Ethics and Compliance or Legal department at ethics@nosres.com or legal@nosres.com, respectively. Reports can be made anonymously, and Nosres will take no retaliation against those who make good-faith reports.